Healing Songs

As we roll into another winter of self-isolation and social distancing, many of us are feeling stagnant, uninspired, or just plain worried about the future. And while it might even feel cold enough to say winter already preparing itself for us as we are trying to get our lives back on some sort of track, it’s important to remember no matter how long the winter is, spring will come.

You might be happy as the Christmas season is coming and still, we are performing social distancing, following the news about COVID19, or you might be feeling like you didn’t get to enjoy life the way it was before the pandemic kicks in. Either way, there can still be time for reflection and growth, even if the circumstances don’t feel right.

I prepared a playlist to include pieces that make me think back to good times I’ve had as well as pieces that make me think ahead to the good times I know I’ll have again soon.